Love lesson 3
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The Act Of Loving.

Love And Be Loved
The Act Of Love. What is k is Love? According to lovers, "Love is that Powerful, emotional, spiritual and Hard to forget feeling that we have for our fellow human. How can one fell in love? There is no specific way to fell in love. But you can fell In love by showing interest in what people do. How do i know am in love? Your don't need any one to tell you that you're in love because Your behaviour, look and Response will certainly tell. Take for instance, you saw this particular guy/lady that leaves next to your hood. You instantly get the feeling like wow, this guy/lady is cool. And after series of encounter with him/her you can't still get her/him out of your life. Doesn't that mean That you have that strong emotional feeling for that fellow.. Is it good to love? The answer is yes. But you must not let love take you to another dimension rather take love to another dimension. How and what do you mean by taking love to another and not love doing otherwise? What i meant is simple. You see, a lot of people on the streets today claims the're in love but that's not true because they based their love on physical aspect of love and that means they are infatuated and not in love. How will someone know the difference between love and and infatuation? Thank you for asking but sorry to say that will be a topic of it's own. Alright, thank you for sharing with us on this amazing insights about love. You're welcome. Festus Team Your Satisfaction Is Our Pride.
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